Donate to Support Children’s Weekend Food Program Through October

From now through the end of October, we are collecting loose cash and check donations to support the Children’s Weekend Food Program (CWFP). The Children’s Weekend Food Program cares for hungry St. Peter schoolchildren by providing nutritious food on weekends and non-school days, when the school’s free and reduced price lunches are unavailable. Union partners with the CWFP by sponsoring one week of food deliveries and volunteering to pack and deliver that week’s food packages.

Donations will be accepted through September and October; volunteers are welcome to join us at Union’s fellowship hall on Sunday, November 20 at 2:00 p.m. to organize and assemble bags with a week’s worth of food for CWFP. This will be the week that Union sponsors with funds from the loose offering and designated checks during September and October. Everyone is welcome to help, but we ask that children under the age of 12 have a designated adult helper.